Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Remember my visit from Steve Biggs, the Gardening Coach?  Read about it here.

Well, my seeds have been growing like crazy!  But I'm a little worried that some of them aren't going to survive the transplant from pot to garden.

ZUCCHINI:  The roots on these seedlings seem to be barely attached to the stem.  Not sure what's going on.

CUCUMBER:  These seem strong although some of the leaves are a little yellow.   Probably not getting enough light, as they are often covered by the zucchini leaves.

BASIL:  The pot on the left has had several seedlings selectively removed.  Perhaps the other two pots need the same treatment?  And how many basil plants does a girl actually need, I'd like to know.

EGGPLANT:  These seeds were planted the same day as the zucchini.  Could someone tell me why they are so spindly and pathetic?

PEPPERS:  I am totally proud of these seedlings.  They were all planted in the centre pot but Steve told me they would need to be transplanted once they had 4 leaves each.  So far, so good!  These babies are so strong I could sell them!....Hmmm, maybe a plan for some income next year....

PARSLEY:  Help!  These leaves are ready to harvest and they haven't even gone outdoors yet!

LEEKS:  More water is not helping these little guys.  More sun, maybe?  Or maybe they were supposed to be thinned out? 
 So even though we are supposedly a month into Spring, the downloading of the season seems to have stalled and may require a reboot.  My raised-bed garden is tilled and fertilized and I am just waiting for the sun to shine consistently and for the temperature to go into the teens (please!) so that I can get these seedlings out there.

I sure hope my kids like parsley....


  1. Awesome!! I really need to get my gardening act together...

    And as for the parsley--put it on everything! It hardly has a taste (IMO) and is packed with great vitamins!

  2. Looks good! We used to take most of our transplants out on nice days so they would get "weathered" and then bring them back in at can get tiring and it's a bit time consuming, but it helps get them prepared for the outdoors...especially the wind/breeze.
